
pip895 avatar image
pip895 asked

How do I control charge rate from the grid?


New 3-phase system with 3x Multiphase II 5000s and Pylontech batteries. We have just moved some of our house loads to the protected supply. One circuit includes a 1kw greenhouse heater. This tends to come on at night including when the inverters are charging the batteries from cheap rate electricity, and when it does it causes the incoming AC circuit breaker (RCBO) 32A to flip stopping the charge cycle and putting the system into discharge mode.

The ideal would be not to slow down the charge rate significantly but to get the inverter to limit the charge rate when the loads switch on which is what I thought PowerControl would do. My attempt to add this through DVCC “Limit Charge current”, didn’t work and resulted in the system not charging overnight. Where did I go wrong?

Alternatively the batteries are charging at about 12kWh/hr which is unnecessarily fast, I could charge them at half that rate and almost get a full charge in the time I have available so just reducing the battery charge rate would perhaps be an option.

How do I achieve this?

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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Pip895

I f your issue is just the 32A ac input window, why not just limit it? This functionality is available in the Multi settings, also via VRM, and even the MFD App. That way the ac loads will still be honoured as priority, and the charge will back off as necessary.

I can't confirm how this works with 3 phases, like whether it applies to all phases as a group or the individual Multis, but you'll work it out.

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