
rns avatar image
rns asked

Multiplus II grid settings for Reactive power

Multiplus II grid settings for Reactive power.

Where can I find information on these settings.

I have the idea that the multiplus is trying to bring the cos phi to 1 and that that causes some zooming noise. Is my reasoning correct on this. If so can I disable the multiplus in trying to compensate for this ?


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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The sounds the multis make are the sounds they make, there isn't much you can tune to change it, short of using it less or being off-grid. It will do what it does irrespective of what you set the grid to.

There are many topics on this forum with advice to improve it, and if you have a recent one, fans are much quieter but the transformer is still a transformer and will hum like transformers do, more so when synchronising with the grid.

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rns avatar image
rns answered ·

Strange thing is, is that the hum looks louder when the multiplus shouldn't have nothing to do. I have it in a setup just to compensate for my grid use (in parallel) and at night it shouldn't do nothing and it look the hum is than louder.

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