
dylan avatar image
dylan asked

Disable Vsense

I see there is a new function to disable Vsense on the Multiplus inverters under Veconfigure. Would like to know what this is for?

Would like to know if this could help with a issue where as loadshedding hits inverters switch off for 20 seconds then come on. Says low battery, but it is not. Also does not happen all the time will go weeks and then happens.

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

If I understand it correctly, that just disables the vsense inputs on the inverters, I don't believe it will make any difference to your issue.

In the case of the Freedom won issues (and they have a few), the option to enable SVS for the BMS in DVCC is now allowed and FW recommend this be used so that the chargers and inverters use the BMS as the reference.

This helped some of their problem installs. For those batteries I would suggest you turn it on if the sites are having issues.

Generally though, with batteries using PACE BMS's they seem to be more problematic than others when these symptoms appear.

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