
vhsys avatar image
vhsys asked

450/100 MPPT paralel


can i plug it in like this?

5 panels west 5x545

5 panels east 5x545

For the second input I would like to have 7 panels from the south 7x545

SPD is a matter of course1670831953213.png


MPPT Controllers
1670831953213.png (37.5 KiB)
victron-dotaz.jpg (163.1 KiB)
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3 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


The 2x parallel strings will exceed the allowance for both Imp (18A) and Isc (20A) on a single tracker.

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vhsys avatar image vhsys commented ·

The voltage will be there, but if it is producing west, then the output will be inactive.

Will it go over if all 10 panels are in one direction, but if I have 5 east and 5 west?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ vhsys commented ·


I know what you're saying, but that's for the brave gambler. And would void warranty if anything happened.

You'd have to do the calculations to see if 10 would fit in a single string. If not, maybe use 9 and don't wire the last one in. Watch for some of the other little things too..

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ponzoa avatar image
ponzoa answered ·

It's not a good idea to have different orientations on the same string. I would suggest putting one of your strings on a seperate MPPT connected to you battery DC Bus.

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jarko avatar image
jarko answered ·

You will have better performance if you have own mppt channel for each string.

But those are possible to connect parallel if you keep combined result in limits; Voltage and current.

Parallel panel systems should be about same size, current and voltage - so performace is better.

East and west panels .. separate those with high voltage diodes .. I use 600V 30A dual model installed to heat sink with mica plate+heat transfer paste and make all so that voltage parts are not possible to touch !!! Shrinkable insulators and place under heat sink. Ground that heat sink.

East / West panel directions must have enough difference so that sum-current never exceed 18A.

That mean rather something back to back panel installation.

Use victron mppt calculator - maximum string voltage (in coldest conditions) is not allowed to go over 8x your battery float voltage, and of cource 450V. Keep it way below 400V ... It's not good idea to select working point from highest limits.

I would change those panel circuit breakers (it's looking so in picture) to DC 1500V/32A switches - connect all four contacts to serie in each switch (2 for plus and 2 for minus).

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