
usernamepasswordbs avatar image
usernamepasswordbs asked

Strings in clusters or straight lines? Which is best, does it matter?


I will be running 11 panels in 2 strings going into a RS 450/100 which has 2 MMPTs.

The panels will be arranged in 2 lines across the roof so putting the two strings as two straight lines is one obvious possibility or arranged as two clusters, one at each end of the roof as it were.

As stated above, is either way better than the other?

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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

As stated above, is either way better than the other?

Copper costs money. And overly long array cabling introduces voltage drop.

Most panels have enough cable so that every second panel can be wired in series. Get to the end of the string, go back to the start.

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usernamepasswordbs avatar image
usernamepasswordbs answered ·

I think the copper would be less if I do two clusters.

If that is the only consideration then that's what I'll do.


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