
teatrodelasfuentes avatar image
teatrodelasfuentes asked

450/100 MPPT paralel or both inputs with solar panels?

Hello, I have two lines of 5 solar panels of 445W and 50 V each in parallel (total of 10 panels) connected to input A of the Victron 450/100 MPPT. Would it be better to connect a line of 5 panels to input A of the 450/100 MPPT and another line of 5 to input B? Would this improve performance or it just doesn't matter if I put them together in parallel to a single input?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

If all 10 panels are facing the same direction and don't suffer from shading or have the same shading then it makes no difference if you use one or both trackers.
If the 5 are in a different direction to the other 5 then it would make sense to use each 5 on their own tracker.

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