
jaqibar avatar image
jaqibar asked

CCGX Bit rate on Ve.Can

We are renovating an existing installation and adding Lithium-Ion Batteries. Now we have an existing CCGX on the site with a Blue Solar MPPT 150/85 Charger using Can.Bus communication @ 250kbit/s. The Battery’s BMS is communicating Ve.Can @ 500 kbits/s. How can we get both comms working to get actual readings from both (non adjustable rates) units without changing the GX out with new version?

CCGX Color Control
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

You should be able to add a second CANbus via a USB interface. I'm running a CANable one on my Raspberry PI. It's inexpensive and works well. The only drawback is it's a bare board (no enclosure).

Check here for more information:

I also have a script that makes adding additional ports easier:

It's only been tested on a Raspberry Pi but it should work on any system. It supports 2 CANbus interfaces (the most Venus OS supports).

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stanhausc avatar image
stanhausc answered ·

Hi @Kevin Windrem, Thanks for sharing.

I have a problem, maybe you can help me.

I am receiving data from a BMS over CAN:


I suppose I should script this to appear in the Cerbo GX interface, do you have any material I can study on the subject?

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