
Ergoman avatar image
Ergoman asked

Multiple sources charging the same battery bank

Hello guys,

There are many topics and answers regarding the above subject. However, I think we should answer this question with clearness as there are many misunderstandings around.

Is it possible to charge a battery from two or more sources without having troubles?

For example, we have a Bluesolar MPPT 100V/50A and a Bluesmart 230V/5A connected in parallel to the same battery bank. Usually, the one is going to sleep once any one hits the float threshold.

How we could solve this issue? Is there any firmware update which solving this problem via Bluetooth or any other way?


MPPT Controllers
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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·


Please be more specific. A clear answer can only be given for a clear question. What "troubles" is this "issue" causing you? What do you want to happen?

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2 Answers
jwfrary avatar image
jwfrary answered ·

No there's no problem having both of these devices on and powered up at the same time assuming they have been programmed to the same battery chemistry/charge curve they will complement each other.

I suppose the real question is how might we optimise it so the AC charger isn't running when the solar MPPT it adequate.

Well you could use the load output on the MPPT to switch a relay to turn the changer on when the solar panels aren't outputting enough. - Essentially crudely implementing the ignore AC functions of the larger systems.

That said this level of integration is rarely needed and most people choose to put the charger on periodically when it is required.

If you have a GX device that's easily achieved via a relay.

I guess it comes down to choosing the products that suit your installation goals. Smaller simple systems generally just don't utilise these more advanced features anyway.

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amcarter333 avatar image
amcarter333 answered ·

ergoman, did you ever get an answer to your question that satisfied you?

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