
solarsam avatar image
solarsam asked

Multiplus II in parallel Multigrid I

Hi all.

Have a customer with 3kVa Multigrid I on the one site and a 3kVa Multiplus II on the other, he’s hoping to combine them at the one site for parallel output.

Is it possible to parallel these two models or are we going to have to get him a second MultiPlus II?

Thanks in advance

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2 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

The inverters have to be the same model type?

The Multigrid and Multiplus2 are different inverters in there front end relay operation.

Also the cabling issue how far the sites apart?

Separate battery banks?

Need to supply more information?

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solarsam avatar image solarsam commented ·

Sorry badly worded question.

Just curious if parallel operation with a Multiplus II and MultiGrid I is doable as per a standard parallel install with say 2 x inverter of same kind.

Common battery bank, inverters will be right next to each other so cabling is not a worry.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie solarsam commented ·

Need to check the model numbers are the same?

If not they might not work at all.


Rob D


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·
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