
williaty avatar image
williaty asked

Guimods et al missing after firmware update

I had guimods installed and working for months on my Cerbo. I then used the Venus gui to update to firmware 2.92 today and guimods, packagemanager, and everything else is missing. I downloaded setuphelper and tried to re-do the installation and something is failing. Packagemanager never appears in the Settings menu.

Any idea what's gone wrong and how to fix it?

gui mods
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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Venus v2.90 and v3.00~4... are working here with the latest versions of GuiMods and SetupHelper.

Is GuiMods not reinstalling after the Venus update? That would be independent of SetupHelper/PackageManager.

What version of SetupHelper and GuiMods are you using. The latest is:

GuiMods v7.2

SetupHelper v4.29

GuiMods was just recently updated to support Venus V3.00 but v2.92 support has been there for both packages for a while now.

Can you get to the logs via ssh? If so, that might provide a clue. Log files of interest:



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