
njordan avatar image
njordan asked

EM24 - confused by the energy fwd/rev values.....

My installation as a Multiplus II that balances out the smart meter to zero by using PV energy from another inverter to charge a Pylontech 48V installation.....single phase.

I now checked the values from the EM24 smart meter that is connected to my VenusGX but i'm not able to make a decent trackable rhime out of this.

That is the values as of today:

Total L1 L2 L3
Forward 461,3 445,3 478,8 156,8
Reverse 260,1 2,86 502,69 336,61

So my naive guess would be that Forward L1+L2+L3 should be Forward Total....but no way. The same for Reverse......So for me it all does not make any sense.

Sure the inverter (if on L2) would compensate (send out Power to L2 to the grid if it takes the same Power on L3)....but still the sum should be ZERO.

What i'm looking for is kWh that really i had to buy and kWh that went out of my network to the energy provider.....but here its very strange and not trackable at all.....

My hope/fear is that the Total values really provide the absolute that if L1 is taking energy and L2 is providing the same energy out of my home it should not count anything as the overall value is Zero.

Thanks a Lot


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2 Answers
hominidae avatar image
hominidae answered ·

...pushing this up.

Same here with my EM24...

The Total AC Energy is not the SUM of Energy reported from all three phases.

What is going on in this meter?


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hominidae avatar image
hominidae answered ·

OK, found it ....

Although the dbus documentation states that AC Totals is the total of all phases, this is somewhat misleading.

This total value is not the result of the SUM of all phases, but rather is the BALANCE of all phases.

Depending on your region, your grid meter needs to account for each phase (and direction) individually or as a balance of all phases (per direction).

The meter collects and stores these values during realtime consumption/feed-in.

Looking at the actual values, you cannot (re-)calculate the balance from the numbers of the individual phases anymore.

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Related Resources

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