
disappointed avatar image
disappointed asked

SmartCharger 100 50 stopped charging

My SmartCharger 100 50 has been charging correctly for a week then suddenly stopped.

Here is my setup:

  • 2 Renogy 175w solar panels in parallel (2 more are ready to be added)
  • Solar Panels are connected to charge controller using 10 AWG wires and a 30 Amp fuse
  • Batteries are connected using 6 AWG wires and a 75 Amp fuse

Dashboard shows this:


Today is a sunny day in Page, AZ.

Both fuses have been checked and are ok.

Multimeter shows around 20 V on the wires connected to solar panels, dashboard shows only 11.13V and no power.

Displayed battery voltage is accurate.

All wires have been checked, removed from charge controller and put back in again.

An hour ago, it charged for one minute and stopped.

I have looked into similar topics, but I have not found any suitable answer. Why the hell the charge controller shows a bad voltage from the solar panels ?

Any idea ?

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5 Answers
ludo avatar image
ludo answered ·

Where did you read the 20v, at the panels or at the dmartsolar terminals ?

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disappointed avatar image
disappointed answered ·

> Where did you read the 20v, at the panels or at the dmartsolar terminals ?

With my multimeter, on the solar panels wires connected to the charge controller.

Thanks for taking some time helping me to investigate.

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ludo avatar image
ludo answered ·

Can you post a picture of the wiring ?

It's a bit strange that solar and battery match to 0.0* volts, I guess you have a broken wire / open circuit between the panels and the controller

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disappointed avatar image
disappointed answered ·

All my measures have been done with a multimeter at the charge controller level by removing and putting back the wires in the charge controller.

The setup has been working perfectly for a week, so I am quite sure that the wiring is correct.

I will post a picture ASAP.

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ludo avatar image
ludo answered ·

Measure the short circuit current of the panel

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Related Resources

MPPT Product Page

MPPT Error codes

MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic