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techmuc asked

Critical Loads / Power Consumption

Hi All,

Can not find that question answered..I have a grid parallel setup with one MP2. AC Out is not in use (connected to a power socket but not used).

Both VRM and venus.local are showing very low consumption values between 0 and max. 25W. Is that an actual consumption and if yes can I avoid them?

I know I can hide the AC Out in ESS, but I actually want to avoid to loose any unnecessary power in my batteries over night :-)




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2 Answers
Daniel avatar image
Daniel answered ·

We've got very much the same with our offgrid-system in idle state (MP2 3k). My assumption is that we see the self-consumption of MP2 here.

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jwfrary avatar image
jwfrary answered ·

Theres a self consumption less or more depending on the inverter model. But 30 odd Watts ish!

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