
jonathan-osborn avatar image
jonathan-osborn asked

Multiplus 2 48/5000 battery SOC issue

Hi All,

Im having an issue with my Multiplus 2 48/5000 that I cant work out.

The Multiplus alarms with a 'low SOC' and cuts out the inverter at 38% SoC. 40.9v . The SIMPBMS is still reporting OK to the CX via BMS-CAN. Low voltage cut off should be 39v. ( Im using two tesla packs in series) . The red low SOC light flashes on the Multi and the inverter trails the load off from the batteries and stops discharging at the levels mentioned above. I have been into the VE configure ( many many times) to set the battery type and low voltage cutoff levels, both under the 'inverter' tab and in ESS Assistant. I know the ESS assistant overrides the Inverter settings but it hasnt made any difference.

Any assistance or suggestions much appreciated.


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
@Jonathan Osborn

If you share your settings with us another set of eyes may help.

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2 Answers
Meine_Energiewende avatar image
Meine_Energiewende answered ·

That will not work. In an ESS System the lowest possible value is 41 volts. I've used 8 Tesla packs in a 2s4p configuration myselfs for some years.

37 volts is only possible if you use it as an island.



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jonathan-osborn avatar image
jonathan-osborn answered ·

Well that explains it. :-). Many Thanks for coming back to me.

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