
Clyde Stubbs avatar image
Clyde Stubbs asked

Charger stuck in absorption phase

I've just got a BSC 12/25 charger and have connected it to a new LiFePO4 330AH battery. It took about 8 hours in bulk to get to 14.2V then went into absorption phase as expected. 20 hours later it's still in absorption, has not gone to float. The app shows an interrupted charge cycle and an active one of a few minutes - keeps resetting the time. Is the charger faulty? Firmware is up to date.

The charger has not been disconnected or powered off since first connected.

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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

If the battery has an internal BMS, then perhaps it is disconnecting internally and causing the interruptions that you see.

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Clyde Stubbs avatar image
Clyde Stubbs answered ·

To test this idea I unplugged the battery from the charger. The charger still says it's in absorption phase with no battery connected!

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
^That is normal.

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Clyde Stubbs avatar image
Clyde Stubbs answered ·

I created a custom profile with adaptive absorption and a max absorption time of 1 hour - it would not let me set it to less than this. Now it operates as expected.

However it still appears not to recognise when the battery is disconnected - I unplugged the battery after it went into storage mode and 12 hours later the charger still says it's in storage mode. I would have expected that it would periodically check that the battery was still there. This does mean that the original problem is unlikely to be caused by the BMS disconnecting, since if the charger can't tell if the battery is connected or not it can't respond to a disconnection.

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