
tsfinney avatar image
tsfinney asked

Mid voltage notification

Two AGM batteries wired in parallel. The monitor is connected, through port 1, to the positive battery terminal attached to the bus bar, what is causing this?

BMV Battery Monitor
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5 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

You can not have Midpoint monitoring with 2 parallel batteries. (individual cells, yes. Series batteries, yes, parallel batteries no).


midpoint.png (159.2 KiB)
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tsfinney avatar image
tsfinney answered ·

Thanks, and yes I know that. That is what is so confusing. It can not have a mid point and yet it is giving this notice. The monitor is only attached to the positive terminal closest to the load center. There is nothing else attached.

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tsfinney avatar image
tsfinney answered ·

How do I turn off midpoint monitoring?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

@tsfinney In VictronConnect..


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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Have you tried connecting via victron connect and setting the aux port to none? it may be set to midpoint.

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tsfinney avatar image
tsfinney answered ·

That did it, thank you very much. Getting used to this monitor.

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