
David avatar image
David asked

Overload Alarm wont clear

Hi Victron

An installer/customer of ours is a regular buyer of Easysolars for off-grid installs. They installed this system (Easysolar 48/3000) two weeks ago and its been running well until they got an Overload Alarm which they can not clear and they cant get the Easysolar out of the fault condition and back up and running. (12 panels on mppt, no AC coupled solar. Very simple install)

Batteries are lead carbon, small 158Ah bank. All connections and crimps have been checked. AC out loads have been removed.

Look forward to any feedback in how to clear the fault (system has been fully powercycled and batt isolator opened etc)



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

If the inverter is indeed in overload, it's time to send a new unit in and replace under warranty.

2 |3000

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