
lac-rv-center avatar image
lac-rv-center asked

Modbus-TCP/Ethernet CCGX to GroovEPIC (Opto22)

We have a user who wants to use a GroovEPIC(Opto22) to monitor the system. It says it supports modbus-TCP. Please see the attachment. Will this setup be possible?Does the CCGX require any further setup for this configuration? System configuration (1).pdf

Thanking you

Modbus TCP
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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
@LAC RV Center

Moved to modifications section where this topic is more appropriate.

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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

All the information for ModbusTCP on the Victron side is in this document:

There is also a link within that document for the ModbusTCP register list.

Opto22 looks like quite a cool gadget, but I'm not sure if anyone else in this community could offer advice about how to do any configuration on that side of things, but it's maybe possible.

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Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

A quick look at the device in question suggests it uses an integrated instance of Node Red to handle coms with other equipment... Node red will talk to pretty much anything and is easy to find support for. As the doc, above, will tell you, you have to enable Modbus in the CCGX and then use the Excel book to work out what device/address to pole.

Device, VRM, instance numbers are based on its connectivity and show up in the device overview, GX Device, and on the VRM portal. These map to Modbus device ID's, there is a mapping sheet in the workbook.

Personally I found it a little confusing, perhaps I should have read the doc several times... It isn't hard once you get your head around it though.

EG, I have a BYD battery connected via VE.Can and a smart shunt Connected via VE.Diiret on port 1 of my CCGX.
The BYD has a VRM Instance of 512, that maps to a Modbus unit ID of 225.
Both devices support the SOC register of the dbus-service 'com.victronenergy.battery' at address 266, returning a UINT that is SOC X 10
Had my shunt been on port 2 then the register would be the same but the device would be 245

If you go through the spreadsheet and make sense of this example you shouldn't have any problem from there on in..

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