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jakudo asked

Victron -> Viessmann Vitocal - ModBus


I have a heat pump Viessmann Vitocal 200-S with 2 water tanks (sanitary water 300 l, technical water 200 l). I'm about to install Victron (3x Multiplus-II 3000, Cerbo GX, etc).

The heat pump has the ability to use the overflow of energy (I hope that this is the correct therm). According to Viessmann I should buy 3 phase energy meter SAIA Ale3 with ModBus interface. It connects to the heat pump via ModBus and tells the heat pump when there is an overflow of energy to start heating the water. It heats the water +10K above the set value. So in general I have set the sanitary water to be heated to 42°C and when there is an overflow of energy, it heats the water to 52°C, so It saves more power from the sun to the water.

As far as I know the Victron can also communicate via ModBus. So, is there any possibility that I wouldn't need the SAIA Ale3 and only connect Victron with Vitocal directly instead?



Modbus TCP
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
@jakudo moved to modifications space
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1 Answer
Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

You will need to know what the heat pump is expecting to read and if you can configure it to read data in a different format from a different place.

The Cerbo GX will give you kW, A & V, using Modbus, but the data is unlikely to be in the same format as the recommended meter and defiantly will not be in the same registers.

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