
alfredogutierrez avatar image
alfredogutierrez asked

Configure Multiplus 2 Frequency Shift with Sunny Boy 5KW (sma)

Hello everybody.

I installed actually one multiplus 2 5000 48v 70a with lifepo4 batteries (18s) and BMS JK.

I have one Sunny Boy 5kw installed in ACOUT with the multiplus 2. All the loads the multiplus 2 are in AC-OUT.

I have a question about the configuration frequency shift for the correct working multiplus 2 with Sunny boy.

The screen for configure Sunny boy frequency shift (default) is this:

screenshot-20210907-222147.jpgWhat configuration I have to configure to multiplus 2 ESS?? This??


Thanks in advance.

Best Regards.

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1 Answer
Anil Ghatikar avatar image
Anil Ghatikar answered ·

Hello the setting you should look at is Fack which is +1 ( start regulation) +2 Stop power production - the +- 5 HZ is the frequencySB-OffGrid-TI-en-42 highlight.pdf variation allowed not for regulation. may be attached document can help

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