
jimbo avatar image
jimbo asked

MultiPlus location/Placement.

Does a MP need to be indoors? what weather will affect the unit? can it be placed outdoors under cover?

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2 Answers
boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

4.1 Location The product must be installed in a dry and well-ventilated area, as close as possible to the batteries. There should be a clear space of at least 10 cm around the appliance for cooling.

I would not mount them outside, as 'wet weather' (fog or abrupt temperature changes causing condensation, etc) can get moisture in the unit, and water and electricity don't go well together.

If you are sure those conditions don't happen at your location it should not be a problem, but also consider if there are bugs that might want to creep inside that might cause problems (nobody likes bugs in their equipment)

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jimbo avatar image
jimbo answered ·

good points! thank you.

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