
jans avatar image
jans asked

Differnce between two MPPT 250/100

I need upgrade EasySolar-II 5000 with second MPPT. I see in shop 2 MPPT 250/100. One is SCC125110412 and other SCC125110441. What is the difference between these two models.

As I understand it, you need to use VE.Direct and remote wire in parallel to connect to the existing one.


MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image
Warwick Bruce Chapman answered ·

One is the BlueSolar and one is the SmartSolar. The SmartSolar has built-in Bluetooth.

We only use the SmartSolar in our operation, because the Bluetooth is helpful for troubleshooting and commissioning.

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jans avatar image
jans answered ·

Thanks, got it!

Am I thinking about the connection correctly? VE.Can is not used.

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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image Warwick Bruce Chapman commented ·
Bluetooth is for configuration / troubleshooting, not for operational communication with the system that includes a GX device.

In the case of a system with a GX device, you can use either VE.Direct or VE.Can.

VE.Can has the advantage of being able to connect many units on a single bus ie. one (GX) to many (MPPTs) wheres each VE.Direct port can only be used for one MPPT (one to one).

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jans avatar image
jans answered ·

I think in EasySolar-II 5000 VE.Can is only for BMS. it is correct to use VE.Direct-USB and MPPT remote switch port wire in parallel to the existing one MPPT?

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