
peterf avatar image
peterf asked

Why an AC generator

I am wanting to go totally off grid and am thus researching the do's and don'ts of generators. My confusion is why is it necessary to install an AC generator. Surely it would make far more sense to install a DC generator, or AC generator with a bridge rectifier, to run in parallel with the solar panels. In that way the frequency is irrelevant and a lower cost generator can be used. It also isolates any electronic equipment from the generator.

I would appreciate your response.

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2 Answers
rslifkin avatar image
rslifkin answered ·

I see no reason you couldn't do that. It's just uncommon as there are far more off the shelf options available for AC generators (and suitable chargers). DC generators and adequate charging regulation for them are relatively uncommon.

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ponzoa avatar image
ponzoa answered ·

My only question regarding a DC generator is how you would stop the generator when your batteries are full to avoid overcharging and damaging them? AC Generators go direct to your loads and what's not being used, to the batteries so for usage, the AC is more efficient.

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