
bloudan avatar image
bloudan asked

Multiple dc source to single mppt

Has any one tested multiple dc input sources to single blue mppt.

Let's say source 1 is pv variable with max 80v dc

Source 2 is Pv variable with max 40v dc

Source 3 is switching power supply with adjustable dc output.

All connected in parallel and within mppt limitation

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I would not recommend this at all. The sources that you have mentioned are all completely different from one another. All those connected together, even without the MPPT, one of them will surely backfeed the other one or two and maybe light a fire.
Even dissimilar PV arrays to one MPPT is dangerous for the same reason.
Use separate charging controls for each of your different charging sources and then connect to the battery.

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