
mihlit avatar image
mihlit asked

mppt stuck? bulk mode no current, PV voltage 70V

Any idea how to investigate why mppt controller Smart Solar 100/20 was producing no output?

It was not in the morning with first sun light, it was around 2 PM.

There was plenty of light, MPPT showed it had +- 70 V on PV side (this is 48 V system)

Charge mode was bulk (set to 55.2V), battery had SoC 55 %, 51 V

yet current/power was zero

I've checked in alarms/errors, but did not see anything there

Checked with BMS, there was no error, charging was enabled

After +- 7 minutes I turned it off and on again and it started charging immediately

VRM portal missed this 7 minute interval, so nothing useful there

Any idea why it happened or how to debug it if it happens again?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Not sure, but for debugging, increase VRM capture frequency. IIRC, it can be as frequent as 1 minute.

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