
steven-solar avatar image
steven-solar asked

Multi Plus LED Absorption and Float are on. Error?

Hello there.

Multi Plus 48/3000 35-16. SOC 100%.

Bulk LED is off, Absorption and Float are on, Mains on is blinking (that means -as I understand- AC is lead through and no charging is taking place.

This means Error Code 8? But AC Out is available.

Any ideas?

Thanks for helping in advance.


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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geomz avatar image geomz commented ·

Is the Inverter On led lit?

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steven-solar avatar image steven-solar geomz commented ·

Hello Geomz,

hm, as far as I remember the Inverter-LED was off. I'll observe and report again.



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3 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, have you seen our toolkit app? Its available for android and iOS. It can help with these led codes.

If that doesn’t help; I recommend to post a short video here; it will help the people here to recognize the code

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steven-solar avatar image
steven-solar answered ·

Hi mvader,

no, didn't know about your app yet. I'll try this and mail here the solution.



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steven-solar avatar image
steven-solar answered ·

"Problem" solved: This LED combination means "Feed in with PV Power- Equalisation".

Thanks mvader for the hint with the toolkit.

Wonder why this isn't inside the print documentation which came along with the Multi...

Anyway: Hartstikke bedankt!


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