
Dustin avatar image
Dustin asked

Multiplus II connected to 50amp supply L2 Data

I have seen several posts on this forum regarding visibility into L1 + L2 data on a Multiplus II with Cerbo/GX display.

When I'm on a 20 or 30 amp supply I can see all AC loads on the display .. When connected to a 50amp supply I only see minimal loads based on high AC usage. I have seen display images that show L1 and L2 data.. mine just shows AC information and no indication of L1 / L2. There were previous posts about updating the firmware to see this data. From those posts I seem to be using a later version of the firmware as follows:

Multiplus/VE Bus: v489

GX display: v2.73

What am i missing? Hoping someone can shed some light here.

Appreciate any response to help resolve this issue.


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1 Answer
Justin Tierney avatar image
Justin Tierney answered ·

I think some are running a beta gx firmware. I’m running v33 and I’m able to see L1 and L2. Thought I read they’ve updated that information along the way during the various fw versions. I could be wrong but pretty sure I read that in the release on the modification tab. I’m sure someone more knowledgeable will correct or confirm.

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