
twtch76 avatar image
twtch76 asked

Battery monitoring with multiple loads

I have a Multiplus II 2x 120 and a blue tooth dongle that I have installed in a fifth wheel camper. I have a 500Ah lifepo4 bank. Because it is a camper, the multiplus is not the only dc load on the battery bank. (lights, water pump, heater motor, slide motors, rams, etc....)_ When I look at the Victron Connect app which gives me a display of the multiplus II I see a battery % value. How accurate is this battery % given that there are additional loads on the battery bank? Does it somehow "Sense" how much is left or is it just keeping track of it by usage (software)?

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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @twtch76 , and welcome to Community.

For your system, as like you explained it has more loads connected to the battery bank, it will need a battery monitor.

The % shown by the MultiPlus won't be reliable.

More is explained also here:

You could add a Victron SmartShunt; and then connect to that using VictronConnect. And to go "all the way" you could go to a GX device, such as the Cerbo GX which manual I linked above.

Have a good weekend, Matthijs

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