
cyberhom avatar image
cyberhom asked

Multiples 12|3000|120 inverter Frequency Problem 45Hz

I wonder if anyone has answers to the issue below.

This is an identical issue experienced by Louise which was posted on here; Multiplus 12/3000/120 45Hz, screenshots below

I have measured the frequency of my inverter utilising MK3 USB Bus and Victron connect. The frequency was 44.7 Hz via Victron Connect when operating as an inverter from the batteries with no Grid or Generator connection. I checked the circuit with a hertz meter (RS PRo frequency Meter) and this confirmed the low Hz reading.

Software adjustment within Victron connect, when I adjused this to 60Hz this had no affect and the frequency remained at 44.7Hz. You will se the Hz problem in the left screen.

Is there a physical adjustment on the Mutliplus or another way of resolving this issue.

Regardless of the load or voltage the frequency remains the same.

I do not have VRM


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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4 Answers
ceriw avatar image
ceriw answered ·

looking at your screenshot, you have an ac input connected to unit. isolate this supply and then look again.

it looks like the Victron products sync frequency to incoming supply, even when the units are set as inverter only.

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cyberhom avatar image cyberhom commented ·
Thanks for your assistance on this. Issue resolved as you detailed.
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

As I wrote in the other topic:

I guess his/her problem is/was that AC IN is present but ignored with a assistant. In that case the MultiPlus is trying to follow the input voltage/frequency for faster switch over.

As long as something is connected to AC IN (used or not) the Multi will synchronize to that voltage/frequency.
Disconnect AC IN and the output voltage and frequency should jump to value you set.

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cyberhom avatar image cyberhom commented ·
Thanks for your help on this, this solved the issue.
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storm avatar image storm commented ·
My research of the same problem with my multiples 3000 found that the ac in reading was actually coming from within the unit (ac in terminal wiring REMOVED and) ac voltage present on the units input terminal!
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storm avatar image
storm answered ·

My multi is doing the same thing. I removed the input wiring and measured ac voltage on the inverter input terminals.

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storm avatar image
storm answered ·

here is a shot of my multi in inverter mode. Notice the switching to grid and the low frequencies. Is this a problem? The inverter seems to be working...Screen Shot 2022-01-06 at 1.23.42 PM.png

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