
cnaegle avatar image
cnaegle asked

Victron Repair

I have a SmartSolar MPPT 150/100 that I put too much voltage through. I need to get it repaired, however the distributor I purchased it through says Victron might not repair anything out of warranty. Surely they don't expect us to just throw these devices away if they have an issue out of warranty. Can anyone help me here?


MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

A couple of things. If your MPPT is of the newer type, they are actually not serviceable due to the way they have been constructed. Regardless, if you look for a repair centre on the Victron website, it may be best to contact one closeby directly. Victron do have their own repair/support centres and only operate through an independent distributors/repair network. For out of warranty products it will be at the discretion of the repair centre/dealer whether they can offer a repair service and the charges that will apply.

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