
doug401 avatar image
doug401 asked

IP65 24/8 charger reduced output and cycling (audible clicking)

New charger worked fine out of the box, 2 weeks later it cycles (clicks) every few seconds and only about 1 amp output and about 4 volts shown on app... Should be around 27 volts. Lights show Bulk and LiPo, as they should, but not getting 7.8 amps like I did initially. Batteries are at 80% and 60 degrees. Same results using 3 amp output setting. Smart BMV shows spikes on the graph matching the clicking.

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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Check the connections/fuses/voltages with a multimeter. What voltage shows the BMV?

I know this clicking. If the connected battery has a very low voltage the charger makes this noise.

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doug401 avatar image
doug401 answered ·


The issue is now a Phantom grip.

The next day the charger worked for 30 seconds, then began clicking. And the third day it worked for 20 minutes, then began clicking. The day after that it has worked 100% since. Sooooo... I purchased a second charger to run in parallel and both work as advertised. Pushing 16amps @ 24V. If it ever fails again, it will be returned immediately.

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cliffaliff avatar image
cliffaliff answered ·

Why can't victron give an answer.?????

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