
bluesolar25 avatar image
bluesolar25 asked

Only 1W of power

I have the 75V 10A MPPT controller and 25W panel connected. But I only get around 1W of power.

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

really need more information to diagnose this - but most likely cause is insufficient PV voltage to operate the system.

What is the VOC of you panel?

What is your nominal battery voltage?

The Max power voltage of the panel needs to be at least 5V above the maximum battery voltage for the MPPT to work well.

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bluesolar25 avatar image bluesolar25 commented ·

It’s 18v battery is 12.8v 16 ah.

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jackb avatar image
jackb answered ·

There are many different things that could be causing this.

Firstly, is your battery full? Apply a 30w load to it and see what happens, with the panel in full sun.

From there, diagnose back, utilise a clamp meter and see if the amps (and volts) coming from the panel are matching what is showing in Victron Connect.

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