
leonidas-paterakis avatar image
leonidas-paterakis asked

Easy solar2 48/3000 dont charge batteries from generator

Hi to everyone, i bought a generator for my off grid system and synchronized it ,working ok but after 2days the generator started without giving energy to the system so the batteries fall charge only mode it passthroy the consumption to the house but never charging.volt herz are stable 230 and the beginning of the problem inverter didnt let the generator supply the batreries but now neither try.every answer will be helpfull.

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

If you have the Mk2 / Mk3 adapter, plug this in to the VE bus and a laptop running VE config, and then you can check to see what the inverters charge settings are, also you can use the extended monitor to see what the inverter is reading from the generator.

This will be an essential first step in diagnosis - If you don't have the interface (Mk2 or3) then you need to get this.

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