
klafleur1 avatar image
klafleur1 asked

Connecting Smart Controller to shunt and battery

I just purchasef a Victron Smartsolar MPPT 100/30 controller and I'm not sure how I should connect it to my Victron Battery monitor BMV-712 and shunt. I believe from all the research I've done on the internet is...I should connect the positive wire from the smart controller directly to the positive terminal (load side) on the battery. The negative wire from the smartcontroller should go to the negative ground terminal 500A post on the shunt. There should only be one negative wire running from the negative terminal from my battery to the negative 50mV post on the shunt. Is that correct?? Finally, should I put a fuse in on the positive cable running from the smart controller to the positive terminal of the battery? There is already a fuse on the positive supply side running from the battery to the shunt. If I do need a fuse, what do you recommend I get?

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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

The MPPT positive wires directly to the positive bus (battery +, system +,BMV battery sense+). The negative goes to system -ve connection on the BMV. Only one wire goes from the BMV Battery Minus connection to the Battery - nothing else connects to this.

There is a battery fuse internal to the MPPT - if it's similar to the 100/50 - so if you want an external fuse in this line, it would be best to use a 2 pole circuit breaker, and arrange that the 2nd pole disconnects the PV positive from the MPPT at the same time. The trip rating is 1.25x30, so would be 40A.

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