
markinaboat avatar image
markinaboat asked

Phoenix multiplus 12/2500/120 periodic buzzing

Phoenix multiplus 12/2500/120 in my narrowboat. I've noticed during the night that every 29 seconds, the unit gives a brief (1 second) hum/buzz. After a while, the intervals are short to just a few seconds but quickly reverts to the approx 29 second intervals.

Have not noticed this on other inverters (Victron and MAstervolt).

Does this indicate something could be wrong? There are issues as the dip-switch settings are not saved, including a reset to default.


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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I suspect you may have AES turned on.

this reduces the power usage when everything is off,

try turning this function off and see if that stops the buzzing

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markinaboat avatar image
markinaboat answered ·

Thanks for the info Paul. I don;t know if this is active and can't change as the dip-switch settings do not appear to be working. At least not with the DC output voltage anyway. Unit has been setup for AGM I guess and boat has standard SLA's in now so tried to reduce charging volatges. Even tried a default reset but made no difference. Need to get VE.Config 2 it hlding back in case I have to sell the boat (other boat currently for sale). I have asked on some other boating forums if I can borrow someones VE.config hardware and pay half the cost to them but no replies. Must be v2, not v3 as an older Phoenix Multiplus inverter/charger.



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