
R Robinson avatar image
R Robinson asked

MPPT upgrade from PWM

I read that the Victron MPPT’s need 5V PV over battery voltage, I have a PWM SCC that I would like to upgrade to a Victron MPPT. With my PV’S currently I am just 5V over battery voltage at full exposure. I am sure thermal degradation, cloudy days, etc. will be slightly less than 5V. I think this will improve with the MPPT SCC, however I am still learning. Could this work? Thank you.

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
basil katakuzinos avatar image
basil katakuzinos answered ·

What pannels do you have, any chance of rewiring them in series to increase the voltage (victron has mppt's that can support pannel voltages up to 250 volts) so rewiring you array to yield a higher voltage may be favorable.

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R Robinson avatar image
R Robinson answered ·

That’s a good question! I don’t know, I have 3 panels. 1 170W and 2 180W. Can you wire 3 PV’s in series, parallel?

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