
stingerb avatar image
stingerb asked

Multiplus 2 3KVA inverter suddenly stops producing solar power

I have a Multiplus 2 3KVA inverter with a VE 150V 60amp solar charge controller, 9 CS 365W panels and a GX controller. The system works fine and produces power and then the next day the solar array will suddenly stop producing power. Sometimes it resets itself and starts working again and sometimes I have to do a remote reset. Sometimes the remote reset works and sometimes it does not.

I do not know what the problem is and would appreciate help to find the issue.

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4 Answers
av1um avatar image
av1um answered ·

what kind of batteries are you using, and can you please supply a drawing of your setup - how everthing is wired

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stingerb avatar image
stingerb answered ·

img-0347.jpgHello av1um, thank you for responding to my question.

The batteries are 4 12volt 100amp Royal batteries, I would like to upgrade to lithium in the near future.

The wiring in the set-up is fairly straight-forward. I assume that you are asking about the connections between the various Victron components? I have added some photos showing the connections.

On the GX , the VE bus goes to the Multiplus bus connection, VE direct to the MPPT etc.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Can you try to clarify your problem?
The MultiPlus can't produce any solar power because it is not a PV-inverter.
I guess you mean the MPPT.
Connect to the MPPT with the VictronConnect app an make some screenshots.
I see the Venus is connected to LAN so maybe also some screenshots from the GX interface and VRM portal can help.

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stingerb avatar image
stingerb answered ·

Hello Mathias,

You are correct, I meant to say the MPPT. My problem seems random, sometimes the system works flawlessly for a month and then the MPPT suddenly stops producing power, the wattage will drop down to 20 or 30 watts. Other times it will stop producing after a few days. I can individually pull the fuses on the three panel strings and there is nothing blown. A reset of the system will usually solve the problem, sometimes it takes a couple of resets to solve it. If the system "trips" in the late afternoon or early morning, my system will produce no power for an entire day.

Can you be more specific as to which screenshot(s) you would like me to post.


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