I had an old PV installation with 18 modules at 180Wp. Without battery. After 20 years of failure free operation, the installation ran out of promotion.
My new projekt is the new configuation of the complete PV installation with Victron Energy products and Pytes V5 LiFePo accumulators.
I buildt up a 3 phase system with three Multiplus-II 3000/48 - 35, a Cerbo GX MK2, six MPPT 150/35 solar charger, each for three AIKO 465Wp PV modules and three Pytes V5 accumulator, each with 5,12 kWh storage capacity. Six from the PV modules I had mounted at the north side of my roof, in fact of not enought space at the souht. For energy metering I use the new VE VM-3P75CT. My plan was to connect this divice with the Cerbo using the CAN2, but…
My home has no electric cooker, I use natural gas, and no electric water heater, natural gas too, so the installed electric power of the three Multis is enough for my home. I use a Fronius Wattpilot wall box for charging our eC4.
Meanwhile after two week of failure free operation, I´m excited of the performance of my DIY installation.
There are two issues: the Cerbo GX MK2 doesn´t show the isolated CAN2. So I have use a LAN connection to the energy meter, but this is not my preferred solution.
Second issue is the Fronius Wattpilot wall box. I´buyed this box in fact of the cooperation of Victron Energy and Fronius. But in the moment I´ve no clou, how to connect the Wattpilot to my VE installtion. I´ve placed a ticket at Fronius and VE. I´m curious about it.
Welcome to the community!
Wondering why you charging a EV but not cooking on induction stove ? (The transition in the heating system i can understand )
Search keyword “wattpilot” Click here!
The link takes you to a forum post in German language but google translate or Firefox offline translate is your friend.
Victron has approved Fronius inverters, but that doesn’t mean that automatically the whole product range is supported. They sell a EV charger themself so why support a other brand ?
Thanks for sharing, too bad there are no photos