Question: Hello,My mppt 150/60 v1.64 is connected to a cerbo gx with Ve direct. The VRM is fonctionnal but i don’t have the ability to pilot the mppt (it is possible only by the dongle Bluetooth and Victron Connect inside the boat). Is there a solution to change the values of the mppt via VRM remotely? Sincerely.
You can acces it with the victron connect app, that connects to vrm and there you can see the mppt settings, but only possible if you have internet
As well as mentioned above, on your Cerbo GX, you have to have this set up to allow remote access. On older versions of Venus OS this meant that you had to select 2-Way communication or on the newer versions of Venus you need to set VRM access to Full. VRM menu under settings is where you set these up, see images below.
Thank you for your answers.
I succeed in connecting to VRM with full Connect. But it is not possible to modify the value of mppt floating voltage as i can do on Victron Connect via Bluetooth.
If you have full or 2 way comms setup and VRM access and VictronConnect on your phone then you should be able to alter settings, but the access route is different. You also need Victron Connect linking to your VRM account. The section of the Victron Connect manual linked below covers this. I can alter my settings remotely using Victron Connect through VRM.
Indeed it is possible via victon Connect and vrm, the mppt appears and then the floating voltage can be modify.
Many thanks.
This confuses a lot of people, because some settings are propagated into the Remote Console as first-class settings, while others are not.
The key to MPPT settings that are not first-class, is to open VictronConnect, select your system from the “Remote” tab, then click the Devices tab. Your mppt should be listed. Click on it, and you will see the screen you normally see when connecting via bluetooth.
The gear wheel (top right) will have a cloud icon over it, it will spin for about 45 seconds, and eventually turn into the familiar gear wheel, at which time you can go into the settings and change the floating voltage.
If you can’t do this, drop us some screen shots of where you got to, and i’ll reply with screen shots that might help.
yes it works perfectly via Victron Connect and then vrm, unlike direct access via vrm.
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