
owlmedicine avatar image
owlmedicine asked

MPPT 30/100 battery reading full when not.

I am having a problem with my charge controller reading my battery bank as 13-14V when my battery is reading on my multimeter much lower. from 9V-12V. I have unplugged (uninstalled) everything and plugged it all back in twice now. letting it rest between. I have checked the connections for continuity and replaced wires just in case. But its still reading them as full. This is a 12V system with 240 watts of solar filling 2 deep cycle batteries in parrallel in a conversion van. I hope someone can help me figure this out. I haven't had solar for 6 days now. Luckily im house sitting for a week but I usually live in my van full time. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to protect the solar charger form the alternator current (if you think thats part of the problem) which also charges the batteries when I drive? Ive got a 100 amp circuit breaker but ive realized thats probably way too big to protect anything. Ive been going thru batteries like crazy in the rear and i think its because the alternator dumps out whatever it wants for voltage to charge and that is maybe killing my batteries. so i guess really this is two questions. the solar charger question and a is my alternator damaging my solar charger or batteries?

mppt charging
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

You are probably dumping too much current into the batteries from the alternator. Have you considered using an Orion to help control the alternator charge?

The mppt will be reading the alternator or starter battery output voltage as the 'house' battery voltage. So not able to do its job ccorrectly. There is also the cyrix.

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