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oleg1984 asked

Checkpoints in MQTT Explorer

We use a three-phase parallel grid system with 3 Quattro inverters-48 10000-140-100 / 100 and 4 Smart batteries of 25.6-200 Ah. At the moment, we want to learn how to manually control the energy flows from inverters. With the help of MQTT Explorer, we managed, by giving commands, for each phase separately, to force the inverters to both output to the network and receive a certain amount of electric energy from the network (the power, for some reason we still do not understand, is limited at about 1500 Watts from 3 phases). We do it this way:

In the MQTT Explorer directory, by the following path: "vebus” –" xxx” - "Hub4".

Under the lines of the phases “L1” “ "L2", “L3". Change the value in the first lines of these phases – “AcPowerSetpoint=(value 25).

The problem is that the inverter starting to respond to commands (for example, submit to the network of 1500 watts phase L1), but the flow of energy occurs only for about 1-2 minutes, after which the inverter returns to automatic operation.

In this regard, the question is: are there any control points, if any, which are responsible for setting the required time during which the command to supply a certain power will be executed and the inverter will not switch to automatic operation?2021-07-29 (12).png

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