
embthree avatar image
embthree asked

Orion-TR Smart DC-DC Size

I'm looking for some help determining the correct size/amperage for a DC-DC charger. I have 200 Ah of LiFePO. I might add 100Ah in the future. 2021 Tiffin Wayfayer on a 2020 Mercedes Benz 3500 chassis. My main concern is to not over work or over heat the alternator. What size charger should I be looking at? Thanks.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

There are quite a few alternator options for these vehicles. You'd need to find out what alternator you have and how much spare capacity there is.
It's pretty much impossible for anyone from this end to know what alternator is fitted to your vehicle and what sort of loads it currently has. Sorry we can't provide a direct answer.

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