
ssykes avatar image
ssykes asked

MPPT 150/70 Bulk Charge Current Low

We recently installed an MPPT 150/70 with two Victron Quattro 10kw (split phase), eight 320w 24v solar panels (4 pairs), and two 48v PLBR 9.6kw lithium batteries on a houseboat. The charger should be giving us at least 2,000 watts in full sun.

However, after finally getting it all set up and getting some sun, we are having an issue getting the MPPT to charge. As you can see from the screenshot below, we are getting 74.4v from the solar panels. The MPPT is set to position 7 for lithium batteries and has properly switched to bulk charge when they fell below 54v. We still aren't getting any current though. It goes between 0.5A - 1.5A. We checked the breaker between it and the batteries, the MPPT battery settings, and have the relay set to off. At the time of taking these pictures the houseboat was in full sun and the panels look clean. Any other ideas why we aren't getting a current?


GX Touch Status Pic.png

MPPT Battery Settings.jpg

MPPT Load Settings.jpg

MPPT Relay Off.jpg

mppt charging
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2 Answers
ssykes avatar image
ssykes answered ·

We also tried Always On for the Load Setting mode. Still only getting 50-60watts of charge.

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ssykes avatar image
ssykes answered ·

I also tried enabling DVCC but that did not help either.

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