
donnyv avatar image
donnyv asked

BMV current output increases with Orion-TR in bulk state

I have Orion-tr input connected to local Van vehicle battery, and then output to a three battery pack 100AH lithium.

Batteries are connected to a Orion BMV shunt.

When the Van is not on, I have a battery output of 4 amps. When the Van is powered on, I have a battery output of 23 AMPs.

Why would the batteries be sending out more current when Orion is on? In my mind, the Orion output Voltage is connected to the batteries so it is charging them, why would that cause the batteries to have a jump in amp output?


orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
donnyv avatar image
donnyv answered ·
I think I know what's happening. The value is actually a positive number, meaning input into the battery. If it was pulling/output from the battery. It would be negative
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Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Please can you add a schematic of your actual installation. This reading is most likely caused by a ground wiring error.

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donnyv avatar image donnyv commented ·


I'll draw something up for you today. My Orion and shunt do to connect to the same negative bus bar, but i don't see why that would cause a ground issue.

And minor fyi, the reason I looked at this output was because i was reviewing some vids on youtube for the Orion device, and the guy in the Video used the output from the BMV as the test that is was successful. He does seem pretty knowledgable so I tested it on my setup, and sure enough I saw the same output jump as him.

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donnyv avatar image donnyv commented ·
I think I know what's happening. The value is actually a positive number, meaning input into the battery. If it was pulling/output from the battery. It would be negative.
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