
jverret avatar image
jverret asked

Orion TR smart does not respect remote switch

I Have 2 Orion TR smart non isolated 12/12-30. Installed on a catamaran for one year. Each is on an independent start battery with independent alternator. Recently they will charge regardless of remote switch position. Even with the green remote plug removed both units will charge if the input voltage meets the engine running threshold. This seems to have begun after a firmware update. Currently firmware v1.06. I have removed and reapplied power and still the same. Any ideas? Why both?

orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
spirare avatar image
spirare answered ·

I have the same problem here...wondering if you have solved this mystery or have any information about this problem that you would be willing to share ?

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fe-75 avatar image
fe-75 answered ·

Anyone got a solution for what described above?

Could maybe be related to the "Smart Alternator" set-up that by-pass even the remote switch?

thanks for any feedback

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