
Eric Lipten avatar image
Eric Lipten asked

Can the Orion-TR smart DC-DC charger be installed in a Toyota Prius? Will there be any issues for the Prius Hybrid electrical systems

I have a 2014 Toyota Prius V. i wish to install a LiFePo house battery. I intend to charge the battery with a solar paned and would also like to charge from car's electrical system.

Are there any issues connecting the Orion-TR DC-DC 12-12 30 charger to the Prius battery and hybrid system?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Erik Sporns avatar image
Erik Sporns answered ·

Googled a bit, looks like prius three hv to 12v converter are capable of ~80a. I couldn find anything regarding the V specific, but im confident that its still in that range (if not more).

Pulling ~30a out of it should not be a problem. If you want to be on the careful side, put in conservative numbers for the engine running detection.

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