
serpa4 avatar image
serpa4 asked

Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC Charger. Use to charge AGM start battery off of Lithium house bank?

I have a boat with 130A alternator for my 1 x G31 AGM start battery and 4 Lithium House batteries. I have the engine start batter now isolated so alternator only charges the AGM as it is designed to charge AGM/SLA and not my lithium I just put in. But my boat's solar is set to charge my 4 lithium house batteries. My 150 amp inverter/charge running off the 5kw generator is also connected to my house lithium bank with it's lithium charge setting.

I need to charge/keep charged, my AGM engine start battery when sitting on anchor for weeks. Solar and generator only charge the lithium bank.

Will the Orion DC DC work to charge my engine AGM battery from my lithium bank when the lithium bank is being charged by its charger or solar?

My concern is the constant 18 amps to the engine start battery. Will a constant 18 amps kill/cook my AGM engine start battery? I'm not worried about the wire gauge. Will it over charge my single 100Ahr Group 31 AGM battery?

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @serpa4

This will work. You likely wouldn't want it charging at more than a Storage V (say 13.2V), so could set it for a fixed V and not the full cycle.

The Amps are irrelevant, as the V will dominate.

You could also do this with the cheaper Orion DC Converter, which can be set with a tiny screwdriver..

Both types can be remotely switched if you have a signal source. I use a Multiplus Assistant to do that.

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