
marleekreative avatar image
marleekreative asked

75/15 NON Bluetooth MPPT selecting battery chemistry

Hi Crew, I have two 75/15 units, one Bluetooth, the other does not have this function, so, I need to know, am I correct in assuming, the non-Bluetooth unit automagically selects battery chemistry type when the battery is connected? I need to flick between calcium (ride on mower), lead-acid (wet) for LED lights etc, and possibly AGM, running many heavier duty 12v applicances. So, if it is not automagic, how does one select the battery type to ensure charging profile is correct?

mppt charging
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3 Answers
Jack Peters avatar image
Jack Peters answered ·

It does not automatically select battery chemistry. You can add a Bluetooth VE.Direct dongle so that you can use the Bluetooth App to program it like the SmartSolar.

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marleekreative avatar image marleekreative commented ·

Thanks Jack, so what is the default chemistry setting? I connected and AGM and killed it. The Bluetooth version is so easy to manage.. This one, not so much.

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marleekreative avatar image
marleekreative answered ·

To convert the non bluetooth 75/15 to have Bluetooth (same app I assume) I need the VE.Direct module?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Yes you need the Bluetooth dongle or the USB Interface.

I'm not sure about the default settings at the BlueSolar but should be the same as for the SmartSolar. So you could connect to the SmartSolar and use "reset to default" (three dots in the upper right corner) and look at the settings.

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