
Erik Aslaksen avatar image
Erik Aslaksen asked

Add 3rd party devices to Venus using Modbus TPC like e.g. Morningstar Tristar MPPT 60

Is it possible to add new devices to Venus on Modbus TCP that is not pre-defined by Victron? E.g. my Morningstar Tristar MPPT 60 support Modbus TCP. Would it be possible to add support for this charger so it shows in the VRM? I am running Venus on a Raspberry 3B.

Modbus TCP
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2 Answers
markus avatar image
markus answered ·


It would have been less work to use the search function than to write a new question, but anyways:


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Erik Aslaksen avatar image
Erik Aslaksen answered ·

Thank you SO MUCH @osaether that you made the RPI binaries available at github. That is HIGLY appreciated  I started off doing the old procedure to install them, but then it seems like I only have to copy the IPK-files to root and install them. So no more fiddling with QML-files. Right? Great work!!!

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Ole Saether avatar image Ole Saether commented ·

That's right! Please be aware that I have not tested them yet. Will test this weekend.

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