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nebulight asked

Orion IP67 24/12 on the output side of a Battery protect bp65? Inrush current an issue?

I've never used an Orion IP67 24/12 DC-DC converter before, but I'm building out a portable power station with a 24v battery but at times I may need to have 12v Power. I'm building my own lifepo4 battery and using a custom BMS that will control the output of the the battery protect. I know you can't use a battery protect with an inverter due to the inrush current, but I don't know if the same applies for the Orion IP67 24/12 dc-dc. I know dc-dc have capacitors but not sure about the 20 amp model if it will be a problem for the battery protect. I'm using a BP65 smart and want to use the Orion IP67 24/12-20 20 amp version.

Thanks for any input.

orion-tr smart
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